More On Radiation You Should Know !

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There's More On Radiation You Should Know That's Been Kept From You !

Keep These This In Mind For Survival!

We Practiced:

"Finding The Best Protection Factor(s) In Our Shelter!"

We Learned 'Figuring Your Protection Factor'— It Must Be 40 or Greater...

Better If Much Greater.

First, Dr. "B" Gave Us More Information From Chernobyl!

We Studied Each Part Intensely.




The Truth About Chernobyl, by Grigori Medvedev

1. The strength of Chernobyl radiation:

A. I must emphasize that the radioactivity of the ejected fuel reached 15,000--20,000 roentgens per hour, and that a powerful radiation field, practically equal to the radioactivity of the ejected furl (the radioactivity of the nuclear explosion) was immediately formed around the damaged reactor unit. (Page 78)

B. On the basis of preliminary findings, we can say that radioactivity in the vicinity of the damaged reactor unit ranged from 1,000 to 20,000 roentgens per hour. Admittedly, there were remote and sheltered spots where levels were significantly lower. (Page 79)

C. In the town of Pripyat alone, radioactivity on the streets throughout the whole of 26 April and several days thereafter measured between 0.5 and 1 roentgen per hour at all points: timely and truthful information and organizational measures would have saved tens of thousands of people from high doses of radiation. (Pages 79-80)

D. One of the firefighters went up to level +35.6 (117 feet) in the central hall and looked down into the reactor. The mouth of the volcano was spewing forth about 30,000 roentgens per hour, as well as powerful neutron radiation. These young men did not fully understand the magnitude of the radiation hazards to which they were exposed, although they may have guessed. The fuel and graphite over which they walked for some time, on the roof of the turbine hall, were also emitting up to 20,000 roentgens per hour. (Pages 82-83)

E. At the point where Petrov had stopped his car [Kong Note: Petrov was an eyewitness who drove his car about 100 yards from the damaged reactor unit.], the background radiation ranged between 800 and 1,500 roentgens per hour, mainly from the graphite and fuel ejected by the explosion and from the radioactive cloud. (Page 88)

F. When he [Akimov] and Toptunov reached the feedwater complex at level =24 (78 feet) they found it half wrecked. At the far end there were holes in the masonry, through which the sky could be seen; the water flooding the floor contained nuclear fuel which brought the level of radioactivity to 5,000 roentgens per hour. (Page 118)

G. The fact that the electrolysis room was next to the pile of radioactive rubble, surrounded by fragments of fuel and reactor graphite, with radiation between 5,000 and 15,000 roentgens per hour ... (Page 118)

H. Pshenichnikov was carrying a 1,000 microroentgen-per-second radiometer which was off the scale everywhere he went, from ground level to the roof. With this instrument, whose maximum reading per hour was 3.6 roentgens, the dosimetrist could not have registered the actual levels of radiation, which at various points on the roof ranged from 2,000 to 15,000 roentgens per hour. The fact is that the roof had been ignited by falling chunks of red-hot fuel and graphite, which, when mixed with molten tar, formed the viscous and intensely radioactive surface on which the firefighters had to walk. As we have seen, things were no better on the ground, where graphite and fuel fragments were not the only source of radiation: there, nuclear dust from the plume formed by the explosion swept over everything. (Page 125)

I. "Although I did not realize it at the time, the dense, acrid air, saturated with long-lived radionuclides, was being bombarded with up to 15,000 roentgens per hour of gamma rays from the pile of rubble formed by the explosion." (Page 131)

J. The ambient radiation fields ranged from 800 to 15,000 roentgens per hour, although the instruments on hand could not register radioactivity above 4 roentgens per hour. (Page 136)

K. On their way, they walked through the path of the radioactive cloud, thus coming into contact with the nuclear particles that it had scattered on the ground below, and that were now emitting up to 10,000 roentgens per hour. The total dose received by each man was around 300 rads. They spent six months in No. 6 clinic in Moscow. (Page 140)

L. "We did not realize that the graphite was emitting 2,000 roentgens per hour--and the fuel, 20,000." (Page 157)

M. "I later learned that the radioactivity in the room we were in reached 100 millibers per hour, or 3 roentgens per 24 hours if one stayed indoors, while outside the level was as high as 1 roentgen per hour, or 24 roentgens per 24 hours. And that was only external radiation. Iodine-131 accumulated in the thyroid gland much faster; as the dosimetrists explained to me later, by midday on 27 April the radiation being emitted by the thyroid gland of many people was as much as 50 roentgens per hour. The ratio of thyroid to whole body radiation is 1:2. This meant that people were receiving another 25 roentgens from their own thyroids, in addition to the dose received from external sources. The total dose received by each resident of Pripyat and each member of the government commission by 2 p.m. on 27 April was, on average, in the range of 40 to 50 rads. (Page 183)

N. Radiation over the reactor was running at 1,000 roentgens per second. I told him that figure was 100 times too high to be true. Perhaps it was 10 roentgens per second. In an operating nuclear reactor, radioactivity is 30,000 roentgens per hour, as in the center of a nuclear explosion. (Page 200)

O. Dust carries between 10 and 30 roentgens per hour. (Page 232)

2. What strong radiation fields feel like to the body:

A. Perevoschenko ... rushed into the corridor just after them. First, he ran to the broken windows and looked up. His whole body could now feel the pervasive radiation; there was a marked smell of extremely fresh air, the kind of air you have after a thunderstorm, only far stronger. The fires on the roof of the de-aerator and in the turbine hall cast red reflections in the darkness outside. Normally you never feel the air, unless there is a wind; but Perevoschenko could now feel the pressure of some kind of invisible rays which were going right through his body. He was seized with a gut feeling of panic and terror, but his concern for his colleagues was uppermost in his mind.

... With every breath he filled his chest with radionuclides. His initial depression had passed, but his lungs were still burning.

Perevoschenko felt as if his chest and the whole of his inside was on fire. (Page 100)

B. The two young men (two trainees, Kudryavtsev and Proskuryakov) stood there for a while, severely shaken and having some difficulty recognizing what had once been familiar sights. Although they experienced burning sensations in the chest and a terrible tightness across their temples, and their eyelids were smarting as if doused with hydrochloric acid, they nonetheless were overcome by a feeling of unusual and inexplicable excitement.

... Yet, above all that, they sensed another unknown force in the air, a force pulsating with an insidious, stifling heat. The powerful nuclear radiation was ionizing the air, which henceforth became a new and frightening environment, unsuited for human existence.

... The trainees were hit in the face with nuclear heat [Kong Note: They went up several levels so they could look down into the mouth of the damaged reactor.] which carried radioactivity of 30,000 roentgens per hour. They found themselves shielding their faces with their hands, as if the sun were too bright.

... They then returned by the same route--feeling severely depressed and panic-stricken, now that the sense of nuclear-induced excitement had passed ... where they entered the control room and reported to Akimov and Dyatlov. Their faces and arms were the brown color characteristic of a nuclear tan. As the doctors found at the medical center, the skin all over their bodies was the same color.

[Commentary By Kong: If radiation doses are very high, they can cause "Nuclear Tan," a skin browning that occurs rapidily.]

3. Some interesting effects of strong radiation fields on the body:

A. "The doctor asked me why my eyes were red. I told him that high blood pressure was the probable cause. He took my blood pressure, which was 220 over 110. Later on, I discovered that radiation drives up the blood pressure."

B. He was wearing white cotton overalls; there was a look of dejection and embarrassment on his lined, powder-white face. He looked at me with red, hunted eyes. (Page 225)

C. A stranger, also with a powder-white face, then came in (100-roentgen doses cause spasms of the surface capillaries of the skin, making the face look as if it has been powdered). (Page 227)

D. Fifty-four days after the accident, his blood pressure suddenly fell to zero. Fifty-seven hours later, Sergei died of acute myocardial dystrophy.

... After I had been discharged, my doctor, with whom I had become quite friendly, told me about Sergei's death: "Under the microscope it was quite impossible to see the heart tissue, as the nuclei of his cells were nothing but a mass of torn muscle fibers. He really died directly from the radiation itself, and not from secondary biological changes. It's impossible to save such patients, as the heart tissue has been destroyed."

Now, Look At This, Folks:

It's A Real Show Stopper:

Cell Damage Expressed as a Health Problem

By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, From Her Book, No Immediate Danger, Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth, 1985

An example to show the connection between cell damage and observable illness in the person exposed might help in understanding the problems posed by radionuclide (radioactive chemical) uptake, i.e. their ingestion, inhalation or absorption with food, air and water, into human bodies, with subsequent cell damage. The thyroid gland contains cells which produce thyroid hormone, which when released into the bloodstream causes the body functions such as breathing, digesting and reacting to stress to proceed at a certain rate. If the thyroid is `overactive', one might notice in the person increased pulse rate, nervousness, excitability, loss of body weight and, in females, more frequent menstruation. Such a person is often called `hyperactive' (hyper-thyroidism). A normal amount of thyroid hormone in the blood produces a normally active individual. An `underactive' or `hypoactive' thyroid can result in sluggishness, listlessness, weight gain and irregular and/or infrequent menstrual flow in women (hypothyroidism).

If radioactive iodine (I 131 or I 129) is ingested with food it will enter the blood and tend to accumulate in the thyroid. Radioactive iodine emits high-energy gamma radiation which can destroy thyroid cells, thus reducing total thyroid hormone production in the individual so affected.

A small amount of radioactive iodine would probably kill only a few cells and have little or no noticeable effect on health. However, if many cells are destroyed or altered, the hormone level would noticeably drop or the hormone itself would be slightly changed. The individual would become lethargic and gain weight. If properly diagnosed and severe enough to require medical intervention, this hypoactive thyroid condition can be controlled with artificially ingested thyroid hormone. A mild exposure experienced by a large population could cause a decrease in average thyroid hormone levels and an increase in average body weight, such as is occurring now in the North American population. The USA has been polluted with nuclear industries since 1943 and with radioactive iodine from weapon testing since 1951. Radioactive iodine is routinely released in small quantities by nuclear power plants and in large quantities by nuclear reprocessing plants. It is not part of the natural human environment. The connection between this pollution and the overweight problem has, unfortunately, never been seriously researched. There is no evidence to confirm or deny the hypothesis, but weight increase is a well-known biological response to radioactive iodine. The hypothesis is certainly plausible under the circumstances.

It is possible for thyroid cells to be altered but not killed by the radiation. The cellular growth mechanism may be damaged, allowing a runaway proliferation of cells. This results in a thyroid tumour, either cancerous (malignant), or non-cancerous (benign). Other possible radiation damage includes changes in the chemical composition of the individual's thyroid hormone, altering its action in the body and causing clinically observable symptoms not easily diagnosed or corrected.

There is an extremely remote possibility that these changes will be desirable, but the overall experience of randomly damaging a complex organism like the human body is that it is destructive of health.

An atomic veteran who participated in the nuclear tests which were conducted by the USA in the Bikini atoll in the late 1940s reported that he gained 75 lbs in the four years following his participation. The doctor diagnosed his problem as hypothyroidism. He also suffered from high blood pressure, chronic asthma and frequent bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia. He has had six tumours diagnosed since 1949, when he returned home from military service. Four have been surgically removed.

Damage to the thyroid of a developing foetus can cause mental retardation and other severe developmental anomalies.[15]

Other radionuclides will lodge in other parts of the body. If the trachea, bronchus or lung are exposed, the damage eventually causes speech or respiratory problems. If radioactive particles lodge in the stomach or digestive tract, the heart, liver, pancreas or other internal organs or tissues, the health problems will be correspondingly different and characteristic of the organ damaged. Radionuclides which lodge in the bone marrow can cause leukaemia, depression of the immune system (i.e. the body's ability to combat infectious diseases) or blood diseases of various kinds.

If the radiation dose is high, there is extensive cell damage and health effects are seen immediately. Penetrating radiation doses at 1,000 rad or more cause 'frying of the brain' with immediate brain death and paralysis of the central nervous system. This is why no one dared to enter the crippled Three Mile Island nuclear reactor building during the 1979 accident. An average of 30,000 roentgens (or rads) per hour were being reported by instruments within the containment building. This would convert to a 1,000 rad exposure for two minutes spent inside the building. Such a dose to the whole body is invariably fatal.

The radiation dose at which half the exposed group of people would be expected to die, i.e. the 50 percent lethal dose, is 250 rad. The estimate is somewhat higher if only young men in excellent health (e.g. soldiers) are exposed. Between 250 and 1,000 rad, death is usually due to gross damage to the stomach and gut. Below 250 rad death is principally due to gross damage to the bone marrow and blood vessels. A dose of about 200 rad to a foetus in the womb is almost invariably fatal.

Penetrating radiation in doses above 100 rad inflicts severe skin burns. Lower doses produce burns in some people. Vomiting and diarrhoea are caused by doses above about 50 rad. There are some individuals who are more sensitive to radiation, however, showing typical vomiting and diarrhoea radiation sickness patterns with doses as low as 5 rad.

[Commentary By Kong: Remember, As Dr. "B" Says: "It Depends On The Individual"]

An individual may react differently at different times of life or under different circumstances. Below 30 rad, for most individuals, the effects from external penetrating radiation are not immediately felt. The mechanism of cell damage is similar to that described for minute quantities of radioactive chemicals which lodge within the body itself, and our bodies are incapable of 'feeling' damage to or death of cells. Only when enough cells are damaged to interfere with the function of an organ or a body system does the individual become conscious of the problem.

By sharpening our perceptions more subtle radiation effects can often become observable where once they went unnoticed. For example, a series of X-rays received by a young child may cause temporary depression of the white blood cells, and ten days to two weeks after the exposure the child will get influenza or some other infectious disease. Ordinarily the parent views the two events as unconnected.

Sometimes one can observe a mutation in a person who has experienced loss of hair after radiation therapy to kill tumour cells: hair that was formerly very straight can be curly when it grows again.

A plant whose flowers are normally white with red tips but which begins to form uniformly red flowers has mutated. Such an event has been observed by persons living in the vicinity of Sellafield in the United Kingdom.

The use of radiation therapy to destroy malignant cells also has observable results. It is rather like surgery in that it is deliberately used to kill the unwanted tumour cells.

And What About This!

Cancer Establishment Hides Radiation Side Effects

December 2011
By William Faloon

In a shocking exposé of the cancer establishment, Dr. Ralph Moss in his frequently updated book The Cancer Industry revealed the sordid history of radiation therapy.

The first victims were researchers and physicians who succumbed to radiation's lethal effects without even suspecting it posed a danger to them. The next set of medical victims was patients who received severe burns from radiation overdoses that left them painfully mutilated or dead from acute radiation poisoning.

As radiation doses were refined, the cancer establishment proclaimed a major treatment breakthrough. Yet the statistics were manipulated to cover up what was really happening to irradiated patients. For instance, patients with progression-free survival of 5 years (or less) are often listed as successes even if the same cancer later returns.1,2

Most disturbing are statistical methods that ignore lethal side effects such as radiation necrosis in the brain that kills the majority of its victims, but are not always officially tabulated as cancer deaths.3,4 This enables statisticians to say the radiation "cured" the patient of cancer, while omitting the fact that the therapy itself killed the patient.

Radiation therapy is an important part of treating certain head and neck tumors and is often used after surgery.5 But lethal radiation necrosis to the brain is one potential side effect.6 Radiation therapy is routinely used to treat primary brain tumors. The cure rate for the most common brain tumors is disturbingly low,7 but even in those fortunate enough to have their brain tumors destroyed by the radiation, a large percentage succumb shortly thereafter to radiation necrosis of the brain.8

The more prevalent and omitted cover-up relates to the long-term impact of radiation therapy. For example, another danger of radiation therapy to the head is increased risk of stroke.9 A study of head and neck cancer patients who received radiation therapy found that stroke rates were five times greater than expected.10 This elevated stroke risk was found many years after administration of radiation. The average time between radiation treatment and stroke was 10.9 years, but the increased risk of stroke persisted for 15 years after radiation therapy.

For cancer patients treated with radiation therapy that later die from a stroke, the official cause of death is stroke, even though the radiation therapy often caused the stroke. This is an example of how cancer cure statistics are misleading. The government contends that radiation therapy is curing cancer patients, yet long-term radiation side effects cause many deaths that are not attributed to cancer.

Photomicrograph of the lung showing radiation pneumonitis, section, H & E stain, mag. 75x (at 24 x 36 mm). This inflammation of the lungs is caused by exposure to radiation, typically from radiation treatment for cancer. Pneumonitis may eventually cause permanent scarring (radiation fibrosis).

The government claims that more cancer victims are living beyond five years, but ignores the fact that the toxic therapies used to eradicate cancer can themselves cause premature death.11

High-dose radiation to the chest cavity increases heart disease risk… and this side effect may not occur for 20 years or later.12

Some of the side effects from radiation therapy to the breast include a breakdown of the skin or such severe pain in the breast that surgery is needed for treatment.13 Radiation therapy given to the axillary lymph nodes can increase the risk of patients developing arm swelling ("lymphedema") following axillary (armpit) dissection.14-17 Radiation to this area can cause numbness, tingling, or even pain and loss of strength in the hand and arm years after treatment.14,16 Some patients develop "radiation pneumonitis," a lung reaction that causes a cough, shortness of breath, and fevers three to nine months after completing treatment.16 These side effects may go away within a relatively short time or persist over an extended period.

The primary concern with radiation therapy is that it may initiate secondary cancers years or decades after the primary cancer was "cured." This does not means that all cancer patients should refuse radiation therapy, as it often adds years or decades to their lives, and is in many cases curative.

But as Ralph Moss, PhD, graphically described in his Cancer Industry books, oncology researchers are motivated to achieve complete responses that they can later claim to be cancer "cures." Overlooked from the statistics are horrific long-term side effects that leave patients permanently mutilated, in constant pain with loss of bodily functions, and under chronic medical care to deal with the damage inflicted by the "cancer cure." Patients suffering side effects from conventional treatments are often never the same again, yet the cancer establishment uses these cases to create statistical models to pretend their toxic therapies are a panacea.

In Suzanne Somers' case, she has long regretted her submission to radiation therapy after her lumpectomy. While she made the right choice in saying "no" to chemotherapy, she has suffered for ten years from the destructive effects caused by the intense amount of radiation delivered to her breast and surrounding tissues.

How Radiation Causes Long-term Damage to Breast Tissues

Radiation therapy has long been used to treat breast cancer. For patients who choose breast-conserving surgery, have multiple positive lymph nodes, or have a local recurrence, radiation therapy will likely be part of the treatment plan.

Radiation acts directly on the cell nucleus. Cancer cells grow rapidly compared to normal cells, so by radiating the cancerous area, cancer cells are damaged and many of them destroyed. Unfortunately, radiation also has a negative effect on normal cells. By mutating genes in the nucleus of healthy cells, these normal cells are more likely to later develop into cancer.

This damage to genes in the cells' nucleus also causes the expression of pro-inflammatory factors that result in a constant bombardment (inflammatory fires) by one's immune cytokines against the irradiated cells. As the cells initially damaged by radiation are destroyed, the "inflammatory fires" spread to nearby healthy cells and create a chain reaction whereby more healthy cells come under chronic cytokine-inflammatory attack.

Radiation damages the blood supply to normal skin at a microscopic level. This results in a significantly greater risk of complications following surgery. These risks include infection, delayed healing, wound breakdown, and fat necrosis, as well as implant-related problems.18 Radiation therapy can be the source of serious problems when it comes to breast reconstruction.

This Explains Why Suzanne Somers Stated:

"There should be a book written on the realities of radiation and all the things that are never mentioned beforehand. With radiation, the breast gradually gets flatter and flatter until it looks as though there has been a complete mastectomy… when the swelling subsided it was considerably smaller than I had at first realized, and then it (Suzanne's breast) began to degrade, gradually losing more and more volume until it became non-existent."

Important Summary

This article is not meant to dissuade cancer patients from utilizing radiation therapy, as when properly used against specific tumors it can produce significantly higher cure rates that offset the risk of side effects. For instance, if you are diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in the chest cavity, radiation has a high probability of curing you. Even though your risk of heart disease increases because of the radiation, it can buy you decades of additional life and you can take assertive steps to reduce your odds of suffering a heart attack knowing that you are at increased risk.12,19-21 Same for stroke risk in those who receive radiation to the head. Aggressive stroke prevention may enable you to avoid the five-fold increase in stroke risk caused by the radiation.10,22,23

For women with breast cancer, there are established criteria for determining if radiation therapy is likely to provide a benefit that offsets the side effect risks. A careful analysis of one's individual breast cancer that include primary tumor molecular profiling, tumor size, lymph node involvement, presence of circulating tumor cells, whole-body PET scans and CT scans, and many other diagnostics are critical to determining if radiation therapy is an appropriate choice.

Life Extension® published an extensive Cancer Radiation Protocol long ago that provides validated methods of improving the ability of radiation to eradicate cancer cells, while sparing healthy cells from radiation's many potential side effects. One can access the most recent version of the Cancer Radiation Protocol by logging on to

If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension® Health Advisor at 1-866-864-3027.


Burn This Into Your Memory & Practice it:


Cleaning Your Dosimeter Charger: The CD V-750


When Fallout Comes, Keep It Clean:

Food & Crops:

For weeks following a heavy deposition of fresh fallout, iodine 131 may be a major radioactive contaminant of vegetation, including food crops such as fresh vegetables and fruits. After ingestion by animals and poultry, iodine is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, collected in the thyroid gland, and secreted in milk and eggs.

In the event of a nuclear attack, radioiodine would be the most critical single factor in the contamination of milk during the first few weeks after an explosion. The hazard would decrease relatively rapidly because of radioactive decay, but the short–time problem would be serious in some areas.

As the external radiation hazard (gamma) from the initial fallout decreases, the internal hazard (beta) becomes more significant. It might be 6 months or longer before the strontium 90 becomes the major problem in agricultural production. However, after the first 60 days the principal hazard of radioactive contamination in milk arises from strontium 89 and strontium 90.

The strontium 89 will have virtually disappeared by 1 year after its formation. Like other radioactive active isotopes of fallout, strontium 90 falls on the surface of plants and can be consumed with foods and forage. Some of the strontium 90 is deposited directly on the soil or washed into it, remaining indefinitely—for all practical purposes—in the top several inches of untilled land.

The return to earth of strontium 90 in worldwide fallout from large nuclear detonations is rather slow. Rainfall is the principal mechanism that brings strontium 90 from the atmosphere to the ground.

The determination of lands which are not suitable for agricultural purposes must be based on levels of strontium 90 contamination. Other radioactive isotopes are not of great concern because they are not taken up from the soil by plants, are taken up in much smaller amounts, or they have such short 'half–lives' that they decay to insignificant amounts in relative short time.

The acceptable levels of strontium 90 depend upon the use to be made of the agricultural products and the calcium content of the soil.
Liming The Soil:

Hence, Lime The Soil now of your gardens for next year. This is done by acquiring CaO2 (calcium oxide), which is anhydrous lime, from a hardware or garden store; till one's garden for the next year with lime; or, if Fallout is coming due to nuclear devices exploding over your continent, sprinkle heavily, lime over an exisiting garden plot; water it down; then, when the fallout arrives all one does is after or before starvation sets in, harvest the garden crops, after radiation fallout is safe enough to go out in for not more than two (2) minutes!

You will know this when your survey meters with remote probe, give a reading between 0.2 R/hr to 5 R/hr. Only 2 minutes or less to quickly harvest the garden crop or two. Wait a few days for to give the body time for healing; that is Building and Repair, then harvest some more...continue as such until your body has not accumulated more than a few roentgens of radiation total body exposure. This demands you have a dosimeter!

Any plants harvested under a radiation fallout should be washed with detergent water, rinsed clean under running water; then, processed into food.

What liming does is supply the calcium to the plant, such that strontium 89/90 won't be taken up into the plant; . However, if one eats a plant with Sr 90, that radioactive mineral (isotope), being a bone seeker, is taken up by the body and can generate bone cancer and other problems.

Dr. "B" suggests, and has us all on his special mineral tablets, two per day, for when this Radiation Cloud arrives, in addition to Liming The Soil...Now! He calls this: 'Liming Your Body' and mineralizing your body in balance with other minerals.

He further points out, Roots and Tubers absorb little contamination from fallout before it is mixed with soil; hence, this type of food should be harvested first, keeping in mind the 2 minute rule, and eatened first, than other fresh vegetables. When underground vegetables have been in contact with soil that has become contaminated, they should be washed, wiped dry, and pealed, as given in the above video.

Potatoes absorb very little radioactive strontium, when compared to leafy vegetables. Therefore, lime the soil.

One the food part, Dr. "B" gave us this enlightening lecture to have in the forefront of our memory banks:

Not all animals are affected equally by radiation. A dose that would kill 50% of some animals, such as sheep and hogs, also affects man in relatively the same manner.

Dr. "B" has demonstrated, using a pressure cooker, that if, after testing fowl—chickens especially, are found to be radioactive, it is their bones that have absorbed strontium radioactive material, because chickens are relatively immune to doses that would kill a man. The chickens are most resistant to radiation effects. Therefore, pressure cook the chicken, whereby, after 20 to 30 minutes, depending upon the size of the fowl, remove it from the cooker, after cooling down the pressure cooker, gently remove with fingers or the tines of a fork, the meat from the bones and cartilage. Do not cut away the meat, as one may slice some bone, containing Sr 90, sliver(s) into what you are going to eat.

Stack the meat in a separate pile; the bones in a pan. Test with your Survey Meter the meat portion, it should not be over 10% of background radiation; it it is, your technique was sloppy and rinse and dry and test again. The bone portion should test ten percent over background radiation or much more, if the bones are contaminated. Heretofore, Dr. "B" had us eat the bone at other times for the hydroxyapatite and for its mineral and bone building properties; here, in this situation with contamination, as the bones have been pressure cooked and soft and edible; Do Not Eat! They are contaminated if testing, as given, demonstrates it to be so.

Authorities recommend, 10 mR (miliRoentgens) over Background Radiation be considered Contamination.

However, if the fowl has been under shelter and indoors from Fallout, they are probably safe to eat— the bones too; but, first test again.

Another note to remember:
Radioactive materials might show up in the eggs if the hens eat contaminated feed. But most of the radioactive strontium will collect in the shells; very little will collect in the yolk and in the white. Be careful how you crack the eggs.

It would be best to boil the eggs and when cool, peel carefully; rinse, test with survey meter for the 10% rule over background radiation, then only eat if safe.

Kong Sez:

Many people are going to sicken, possibly die, because they do not know what you know, if you've been reading The Chembio Updates with understanding and practice; or, The Kong Reports.

It's All About This In Staying Safe!

CD V-742 Inside Dosimeter Picture!

CD V-742 Dosimeter!

Preparation for Using the Dosimeter_Radiation Safety In Shelters

Keeping It Clean!

And...What To Do With It!

If Someone Comes To Your Shelter Over Exposed, And Develops Radiation Sickness; He Is In A Weakened Condition and With Cross Contamination, If Not Controlled, Can Take Him Out Or Make Him Much Sicker!


Nuclear Blasts Generate Fires!

Wildfire Mitigation Basics For Mitigation Staff

Shelter Space:

This will be most important in your lives when the Radiations come. You will have to ascertain if it is necessary to crowd people in the safer locations of your shelter, as it is very important to have enough fresh air and light, such that shelterees do not pass out from heat prostration or get claustrophobia (fear of confined, crowded places) and run outside, endangering shelterees as well as themselves.

Therefore, is there going to be enough space for oxygen; a little moving about of shelterees; in the safe area; not running into one another, in your home shelter?

One person needs 10 square feet of space! This is a known fact to keep from forming Refugee Problems, such as overcrowding; less air; flaring tempers; and to allow for a certain amount of privacy.

During a World-Wide Fallout, the following problems will give you some idea how to have this, and if relocation of shelterees from high to low to medium amount of Dose radiation—Areas in the Shelter—is necessary for the amount of people you have in your shelter.

There Will Be Problems! As, people are not the same as they were in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. You will have to strengthen yourselves for this now by practicing, as we will do playing 'The Heavies' and Those who will cooperate.

As Shelter Manager and Radef Officer (Radiological Defense Officer) of your own shelter, you will have to estimate the total available space in Square Footage allowed per person in the relatively safe area by walking off the length and width with a tape measure.

This will have to be done in each area of moderately high; normal; and very safe Dose areas for Shelterees. You find this out with your Pen Dosimeters. The people must be rotated periodically to different areas of lower Dose Rate to allow no one to get too much Dose, continually! They should move to a different area every 15 to 30 minutes to allow no one person to get an excessive Dose of Gamma Radiation. This procedure gives their bodies a chance to Repair, Rebuild, and Heal any damage done to the tissue in higher dose areas.

It is best to allow no more than 10 Roentgens per hour, preferably less.


Let's Say You Find You Have 624 Square Feet of Moderate high, Average, and Low Doses (0 to ½ Rs) in various areas of this 624 Square Feet of the Shelter Area. Gentlemen, we are trying to reduce the Accumulated Effects of Radiation Buildup!


If you have 20 people, this is how you find out if there is enough area without having to periodically move shelterees from one area to another to even out exposure.

(1) Divide 624 by 20 = 31.2 Sq. Ft per person. Therefore, since each person needs 10 sq. ft., there is plenty of room in this shelter for 20 people. But, if radiation is high (greater than 50) in some areas, low in others (0 to 4 or 6), and moderate in others (10 to 50); they must be rotated.

(2) Or, you can divide 624 by 10 = 62.4 and if the resulting number is larger than the number of shelter occupants, there is plenty of room. But, you still must consider the Dose per various areas of your shelter where you have people sheltered. If rising; or danger if someone(s) staying in that part of the shelter for hours; then, accumulated Dose occurs and this is not good. Therefore, rotate shelterees to and from and between various areas of your shelter.

(3) For 60 people, divide 624 by 60 = 10.4 sq. ft. per person. Enough room is present for 60 people without violating the above rules for air, light, space, and accumulative radiation exposure, if Dose Rate is safe. This means you did a darn good job on reinforcing your Home Shelter with Brick, Mortar, Earth, and developed a Protection Factor of 100 (PF= 100, or even more!).

(4) Or, 624 divided by 10 gives 62.4, which is larger than 60 people: Enough Room. But, you must still evaluate for Radiation Levels in various areas of your shelter where you have Shelterees placed.

(5) 624 sq. ft for 100 people. Divide 624 by 100 = 6.24 sq. ft per person: Not Enough Room. You will have to use the Rotation Principle to keep them safe from claustrophobia and other problems listed above! Some areas may have more spaces in your shelter than others, still not enough to accomodate all; hence, the movement to smaller areas as well as larger areas, that one or the other that may not have a high PF–in your shelter Again, the reason for a rotational basis in a Shelter! Through this procedure, Accumulative Dose is kept down, such that the Body can Build and Repair Damaged Tissues.

(6) Or, 624 divided by 10 = 62.4 is smaller than 100. Hence, you will have to use the Rotational Principle.

We have given you two ways to figure space. And, the reasons for such computations.

These Are In Our Future:

Nuclear War

Nuclear Blast

Nuclear War On A City!

Nuclear War With Russia!

... To Be Continued ...

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In An UpComing Issue:
To Be Announced!

Something You Need To Know For What's Coming

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It Will Run Very Erratic and Quite Slowly!

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